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Scoutbar Actions

What are scoutbar actions ?

What are scoutbar actions ?

Scoutbar actions powers the scoutbar its self here is an outline of the required props and how they work


When a user searches for something, the result is a list of actions. These actions are structured by the following props.

interface ActionOptions { // programmatically close out the bar after an action close?: (val?: boolean) => void; // clear current search input data clearSearch?: () => void; } interface IScoutAction { // We create an ID on the fly with the `createScoutAction` function id?: string; label: string; // We create a type on the fly with the `createScoutAction | createScoutSection | createScoutPage` function type?: 'scout-action'; href?: string; action?: ( e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLAnchorElement | HTMLButtonElement>, options: ActionOptions ) => void; target?: string; rel?: string; keyboardShortcut?: string[]; icon?: HTMLElement | string; description?: string; ariaLabel?: string; }
createScoutAction({ href: '/', label: 'Hello there', description: 'Here is an example', keyboardShortcut: ['y'], }); createScoutAction({ action: (e) => console.log(e), label: 'Hello there', description: 'Here is an example', keyboardShortcut: ['y'], });


Allows us to section scout actions into a section and fill them with actions

interface IScoutSectionAction { children: IScoutAction[]; }
createScoutSection({ label: 'Navigation', children: [ createScoutAction({ href: '/', label: 'Hello there', description: 'Here is an example', keyboardShortcut: ['y'], }), createScoutAction({ action: (e, { close }) => { console.log('hey') close() }, label: 'Hello there', description: 'Here is an example', keyboardShortcut: ['y'], }), ], });


This is very similar to createScoutSection but this time new actions open on a new page

interface IScoutSectionAction { children: IScoutAction[]; }
createScoutPage({ label: 'Navigation', children: [ createScoutAction({ href: '/', label: 'Hello there', description: 'Here is an example', keyboardShortcut: ['y'], }), createScoutAction({ action: (e) => { console.log('hey') console.log(e) }, label: 'Hello there', description: 'Here is an example', keyboardShortcut: ['y'], }), ], });